Sports Activities
Sport is a compulsory and valued part of the curriculum and is an integral part of a child’s development. School sport programs include inter and intra school competitive sport, outdoor activities, fitness and physical recreation activities. School sport provides a vehicle for a number of social, physical, emotional and moral learnings and is an important expression of our culture. In school sport the prime concern is to give all students the opportunity for participation enjoyment and skills development.
Students are encouragd to participate in a way that suits their interest and abilities. So we have opted Fly Fit Sports Program for our students.
This is covered through our child grooming in fitness & lifestyle program. It is one of the most successful programs on offer at Fly Fit Sports.
Fly Fit Sports curriculum and course structure has been designed after comprehensive scientific research and assessment approaches.
We offer several courses for well defined age groups which allows for proper utilization of resources and input and maximies the outcome for everyone involved.